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AudioPickSubItemMode Enumeration

Used by AudioItem to determine which AudioSubItem is chosen.

Namespace:  (Default Namespace)
Assembly:  AudioToolkit (in AudioToolkit.dll) Version: (
public enum AudioPickSubItemMode
  Member nameValueDescription
Disabled0disables playback
Random1chooses a random subitem with a probability in proportion to Probability
RandomNotSameTwice2chooses a random subitem with a probability in proportion to Probability and makes sure it is not played twice in a row (if possible)
Sequence3 chooses the subitems in a sequence one after the other starting with the first
SequenceWithRandomStart4 chooses the subitems in a sequence one after the other starting with a random subitem
AllSimultaneously5 chooses all subitems at the same time
TwoSimultaneously6 chooses two different subitems at the same time (if possible)
StartLoopSequenceWithFirst7 always chooses the first subitem. Intended to be used with with a AudioItem.LoopMode
RandomNotSameTwiceOddsEvens8 Same as RandomNotSameTwice but only picks from odds or evens switching every time. Useful for footsteps left/right
See Also