PoolableObjectsendAwakeStartOnDestroyMessage Field
If enabled Awake(), Start(), and OnDestroy() messages are sent to the poolable object if the object is set
active respectively inactive whenever
Destroy(GameObject) or
Instantiate(GameObject) is called.
This way it is simulated that the object really gets instantiated respectively destroyed.
(Default Namespace)
AudioToolkit (in AudioToolkit.dll) Version: (
Syntax public bool sendAwakeStartOnDestroyMessage
Field Value
The Start() function is called immedialtely after Awake() by
and not next frame. So do not set data after
Instantiate(GameObject) that Start()
relies on. In some cases you may not want the Awake(), Start(), and OnDestroy() messages to be sent for performance
reasons because it may not be necessary to fully reinitialize a game object each time it is activated from the pool.
You can still use the
OnPoolableObjectActivated and
OnPoolableObjectDeactivated messages to initialize
specific data.
See Also